Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Peterson Bucket List

The other day Gary and I began discussing all the fun things we wanted to do together before we died.  Here is the list of our top 10.

1.  Hug a panda in China

2. Go deep sea fishing and eat it on the spot (can we say, best sushi ever?)

3. Attend a national championship game

4. Go to Thailand so we can get massages on the beach, play/cuddle with baby tigers, and eat amazing food!

    5. Suprise our future children with a trip to Disney World
    6.  Zip line in Costa Rica
    7. Travel to all 50 states in the United States
    8. Go on an Alaskan cruise
    9. Ride a camel and climb a pyramid in Egypt
    10. Breed American Eskimos (lots of Kumas!!!)

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